Sideswipe car accidents are very common on the roadways and often result in significant personal injuries. The problem with injuries incurred in a sideswipe accident is the that vehicles often have very little impact protection on the sides, as most cars are designed for front and back impact protection. In addition, smaller vehicles are especially vulnerable for producing serious injury, and the law of vehicular control can be difficult to apply because the majority of sideswipe crashes are difficult to reconstruct.

sideswipe car crash
Sideswipe car accident in RI

Opposite-Direction Sideswipes

Insurance institute statistics suggest that the vast majority of sideswipe accidents occur from the opposite direction. These accidents can also be difficult and complicated when your legal counsel cannot locate the impacting driver if their vehicle is still operable, and they flee the scene. These accidents usually occur on two-lane highways.

Same-Direction Sideswipes

While these accidents in Rhode Island are not quite as common as opposite direction side swipes, they still happen in significant numbers for the same distraction reasons. Same-direction sideswipes are actually more common on multi-lane highways and can happen at a high rate of speed around a number of other vehicles, but they tend to occur when one vehicle is attempting to switch lanes or enter the roadway from a ramp. Actually, sideswipes are a primary cause of multiple car pileups in Rhode Island on open roadways, and these  RI  car and motor vehicle accidents can be very complicated.

Witness Importance

Many times the vehicle that is struck will be significantly damaged or run off of the highway while the negligent driver continues. This is especially common when the negligent driver is knowingly in violation of the law in some manner, such as intoxication or failure to maintain insurance. Witnesses to the Providence accident can be vital in these situations when they can provide accurate testimony or take pictures that will reveal license tag numbers.

Sideswipe accident

While many of these East providence and Pawtucket accidents occur based on driver negligence to observe surrounding conditions, many times they are also the result of distracted driving such as texting while driving. Distracted driving can occur in several forms, but many of them in the past decade are a result of the driver attempting to multi-task while driving. Talking to passengers or paying too close attention to the radio, video, or other passengers can be causation, but cell phone texting or even talking on the phone can also be a component of the accident. Luckily, an experienced and aggressive RI personal injury lawyer or Providence car accident attorney can recover cell phone records to determine if the at-fault driver was actually on the phone.

Sideswipe accidents at intersections can be quite dangerous and are often caused by various factors. A sideswipe accident typically occurs when two vehicles traveling in the same or opposite directions make contact with each other’s sides. These accidents can result in serious injuries and even fatalities. Here are some reasons why sideswipe accidents can be deadly at intersections:

High Speeds: When vehicles are traveling at high speeds through an intersection, the impact of a sideswipe collision can be more severe, increasing the risk of serious injuries or fatalities.

Lack of Visibility: Reduced visibility at intersections, due to factors like blind spots, obstructions, or poor lighting, can contribute to sideswipe accidents. Drivers may not see each other until it’s too late to avoid a collision.

Distracted Driving: Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents, and at intersections, drivers may be distracted by their phones, GPS devices, or other activities, making them more likely to drift into another vehicle’s lane.

Failure to Yield: Drivers who fail to yield the right of way at intersections can cause sideswipe accidents. This often occurs when one driver tries to make a turn without properly checking for oncoming traffic.

Aggressive Driving: Aggressive behaviors like aggressive lane changes, weaving between vehicles, or tailgating can lead to sideswipe collisions, especially in congested urban intersections.

Impaired Driving: Impaired drivers, whether due to alcohol, drugs, or other substances, are more likely to lose control of their vehicles and collide with others at intersections.

Weather Conditions: Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or fog, can reduce visibility and road traction, making it more challenging to navigate intersections safely.

To reduce the risk of sideswipe accidents at intersections and the associated deadly consequences, it’s essential for drivers to obey traffic laws, maintain proper speed, stay attentive, and be cautious when entering or crossing intersections. Moreover, infrastructure improvements like clear signage, well-maintained road markings, and adequate lighting can help enhance intersection safety.

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