Below you will find an extensive collection of Rhode Island car accident, motor vehicle collision, personal injury, divorce, custody and family law articles authored by RI lawyer David Slepkow. Please read these RI laws legal articles carefully and contact Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc., if you need legal assistance.
Personal Injury Law Posts:
Car and Auto Accidents
Are there any particular documents or evidence I need to show my Rhode Island personal injury lawyer when I meet him for the first time? What documents will my RI premises liability lawyer request at the initial personal injury consult at his or her law office in East Providence? What usually occurs at the initial lawyer -client legal consultation? What are the elements I need to establish to win a personal injury claim in Rhode Island and providence Plantations? What constitutes an agreed upon settlement in a bus, truck or van collision case? What if I want to fire my current pedestrian accident or semi-truck crash lawyer?
In the Ocean State, do I have the right to obtain a new workers compensation or slip and fall attorney? If I obtain a new legal counsel, who is responsible to compensate my prior Providence car accident lawyers? Should I wait and attempt to settle the vehicular crash claim with the Insurance company before I retain a RI automobile wreck lawyer? Are all negligence claims handled on a no win – no fee basis? Must I comply with the insurance adjusters demand to give recorded statement regarding the facts and circumstances of a motorcycle or bike accident?
Personal Injury Law and Car Accidents
This negligence and tort law article is an overview of the personal injury, premises liability and auto collision claims process. How do Providence car accident attorneys charge for negligent security, pedestrian accident and wrongful death claims? If I hire a Warwick, Cranston or Pawtucket personal injury lawyer, how will the claims process work? My trucking crash or motorcycle accident lawyer in Rhode Island is unable to resolve the vehicular collision cause of action with the insurance adjuster, then what are the next steps to obtain fair compensation? How do I obtain evidence of my personal injury? Will my RI lawyer keep what I tell him confidential? What type of costs are typically incurred in Rhode Island personal injury case? RI law article by Rhode Island Car Accident Lawyer, David Slepkow.
Premises Liability in RI by A Rhode Island Attorney
In Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Premises liability and Slip and Fall Law is the area of negligence law in which owners and occupiers of real estate can be found liable if they acted recklessly, negligently or intentionally. Premises liability in Rhode Island encompasses construction accidents, trip and fall, fire injuries, swimming pool accident, escalator and elevator accidents, inadequate security, amusement park accidents and accidents caused by snow and ice.
RI Tort Law FAQS and answers From a Rhode Island personal injury Attorney
This article is a detailed list of car accident and injury FAQS concerning Rhode Island Personal Injury Causes of action, car accidents and RI Law. How does a Rhode Island auto accident or RI motorcycle accident attorney value an accident claim? This post is authored by a Rhode Island car crash lawyer, related to RI Law.
Car and Auto Accidents
Are there any documents or evidence I need to show my Rhode Island personal injury lawyer when I meet him for the first time? What documents will my RI premises liability lawyer request at the initial consult at his or her law office in East Providence? What usually occurs at the initial lawyer -client legal consultation? What are the elements I need to establish to win a personal injury claim in Rhode Island and providence Plantations? What constitutes an agreed upon settlement in a bus, truck or van collision case? What if I want to fire my current pedestrian accident or semi-truck crash lawyer? In the Ocean state, do I have the right to obtain a new workers compensation or slip and fall attorney? If I obtain a new legal counsel who is responsible to compensate my prior Providence car accident lawyers? Should I wait and attempt to settle the vehicular crash claim with the Insurance company before I retain a RI automobile wreck lawyer? Are all negligence claims handled on a no win – no fee basis? Must I comply with the insurance adjusters demand to give recorded statement regarding the facts and circumstances of a motorcycle or bike accident?
RI Personal Injury Law – Auto Accident – Damages – Pain & Suffering
Rhode Island negligence and at fault auto crash laws: automobile – car – motorcycle collision FAQS with answers written by a personal injury attorney in Rhode Island.
Clients have the right to retain new representation at any time during their rear end car accident or T-bone trucking accident case. This is the case even if the fatal crash lawsuit, litigation has been filed in Providence or Newport Superior Court seeking damages as a result of the vehicular wreck.
10 Important Steps to Take If You Are Injured in a Car Accident
If you are involved in a Rhode Island Car Accident, there are many important steps you can take to protect your rights and help you get the best Personal Injury settlement Possible. Please follow these important steps and contact a RI Auto Accident Attorney. This article was written by a Rhode Island Personal Injury Attorney.
Rhode Island Divorce Law Articles:
Rhode Island Divorce From A-Z by a Rhode Island Island divorce Lawyer
This article authored by a RI divorce lawyer explains the Providence Divorce Court process from filing through a divorce trial on the merits including Providence Family Court divorce law strategy. This Family Law post was written by a Rhode Island Divorce lawyer.
Uncontested Divorce in RI Using a Rhode Island Divorce Attorney
An uncontested divorce in Providence Family Court or Washington County Family Court is a simple divorce that a RI matrimonial lawyer can usually complete for a reasonable flat attorney fee. In an uncontested divorce, the husband and wife are required by the law to attend court for a brief nominal hearing.
Division of personal, real property, retirement accounts and other accounts in a Divorce
FAQS authored by an East Providence divorce law lawyer concerning equitable division of assets in RI divorces. This article discusses what is marital property and what happens to the marital home upon divorce when there are minor children. This article also addresses the definition of “no fault” divorce. This article also explains how “fault” such as alcoholism, gambling, domestic violence, drug addiction or extra marital affairs can effect equitable division of assets.
Rhode Island Spousal Support by a RI Alimony Lawyer
Rhode Island divorce and spousal support Attorney, David Slepkow, answers the following questions concerning Rhode Island Alimony: Who Qualifies for Support? What Factors must a Rhode Island Family Court Judge Look at to determine whether a person qualifies for RI Alimony? If a person qualifies for alimony, what factors must a judge look to determine the duration of alimony and the amount of alimony? What is the interrelationship of RI Child Custody and Child Support to a determination of alimony? David discusses some issues concerning Taxation, Bankruptcy and contempt related to alimony.
“No fault” divorce grounds in Providence Family Court does not necessarily mean that fault will not play some role in the divorce cause of action! Fault can be extremely significant in Rhode Island divorce. If husband or wife is able to establish that the other litigant is at fault for the breakup of the marriage then the party can seek more than half of the marital estate.
RI Divorce and Residency Requirements
This divorce law post explains the residency requirements to obtain an absolute divorce in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
Deferred Sale of former marital domicile for the Best Interest of the Child
Can the Rhode Island Family Court defer a sale of the marital home for the child/children? If one of the parties requests a deferred sale of the home, then the court must determine whether or not it is economically feasible for the person who is living in the home to pay the mortgage, liens, taxes and insurance on the home until the home is sold. In making that determination the court will look at the income of the resident parent, any alimony the parent receives, child support and other source of income to make those payments. The intent of this law is to prevent foreclosures, uninsured property, and deterioration of the marital home and to protect the parents’ equity in the house. R.I.G.L. 15-5-16 This article was written by a Rhode Island divorce and family law attorney.
RI Matrimonial Dissolution Strategy from filing a complaint to a full trial on the merits – Rhode Island family law
Rhode Island Divorce process and strategy from filing for divorce to preparation for trial by a Rhode Island Family law Attorney. This article addresses the difference between a nominal and contested divorce, settlement of divorce, answers, the Nominal Court Hearing, residency requirements, the discovery process and other issues concerning RI Divorce.
RI Divorce Strategy From searching for a Rhode Island divorce lawyer to Filing by a Rhode Island lawyer
This post discusses the initial decision process in the initial stages of a divorce from locating lawyers to making decisions regarding filing motion. Should an emergency motion be filed? Motion for temporary child support or alimony? Restraining order?
RI divorce law info written by a Rhode Island divorce lawyer. This article answers the following questions: How long does a Rhode Island divorce take from beginning to end? What does no fault divorce mean? What are the residency requirement to file in Rhode Island? How do I prove my residency at the nominal divorce hearing in order to obtain a divorce?
Rhode Island Post divorce tips and things to avoid re Custody, Family Laws, Child Support
Rhode Island post-divorce do’s and don’ts prepared by a Rhode Island family law lawyer, David Slepkow concerning issues of child support modification, contempt and termination. The article also addresses issues concerning modification of child visitation & custody in Rhode Island. The article gives helpful advice about payment of alimony and modification and termination of alimony. The article also contains helpful information concerning modification of the final judgment of divorce based on a substantial change of circumstances and contempt for failure to pay alimony, child support or comply with the terms of the final judgment of divorce.
Common Law Marriage in Rhode Island
The following issues related to common law marriage in Rhode Island are addressed: reputation in the community, holding out to the community as a married couple, tax filing status, cohabitation, health insurance, joint property, use of last name, wedding rings, divorce as well as other financial issues.
Divorce and the marital home – Residing with your spouse During the Divorce nightmare
Issues concerning the marital real property may be one of the most complex issues that must be resolved by the litigants. The former marital domicile issue is interwoven with issues concerning child support, custodial matters as well as other financial issues. This Newport family Court article only is applicable to divorce in RI.
Child Custody in Kent Count Family court – Guardian Ad Litem For the best interest of the Minor Child
This Family Law post authored by a Providence family Court Child Custody Attorney explains the responsibilities of a Guardian ad Litem in RI Child Custody, Visitation and physical placement cases. A guardian ad litem is a lawyer who represents the best interest of the minor children in a custodial cause of action, visitation battle or other type of Providence Family Court case. The Guardian is not the attorney for the minor child!
RI Family Law Articles:
Arguments that are usually unsuccessful in RI Family Court!
Many people make dumb and stupid arguments in Family Court. The reason for this is people are often emotionally charged, desperate and often represent themselves without the benefit of a Rhode Island family court lawyer.
The Intersection of Family Law and Criminal Law in Rhode Island – Untangling the Web!
This article explains how family RI laws, child support and child custody law issues intertwine with criminal law issues.
Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility:
The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but according to RI laws the Court does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice including ozempic lawsuit and hair relaxer lawsuit. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principal responsibility.