Rhode Island hit and run accident Attorneys, social workers and criminal forensic specialists have long known that there is some predictable psychology behind hit-and-run drivers choosing to leave the scene of the accident. Even so, the victim, family members and witnesses often wonder why an individual would choose to flee a serious accident, especially when they know others are injured or killed.
Rhode Island Hit and Run Accident Lawyer
If you were injured as a result of a reckless and irresponsible hit and run driver, contact a Rhode Island hot and run accident lawyer who represents injured victims. Hit and run accident attorneys are usually also RI personal injury attorneys.
Lack of empathy
In many cases, the party responsible for the accident is looking to blame others for their own behavior. Sometimes, the guilty party lacks empathy or the ability to extend their own care and compassion to others. Other times, the hit-and-run driver will blame the victim for getting in the way or not paying enough attention. Statistically, more than 1600 individuals in the United States lose their lives every year in accidents involving a hit-and-run driver who hits a bicyclist, strikes another vehicle or runs over a pedestrian. Psychologists believe that many hit-and-run drivers likely experience normal emotions of guilt, shame and fear that overwhelm their ability of self-control to make good decisions.
Lacking Good Judgment
Most hit-and-run car accidents are not the result of malicious intent on the level of premeditated murder, but simply a lack of solid moral judgment in making good choices in an instant. In some cases, the driver chooses to avoid the obvious legal repercussions ahead in lieu of getting away to avoid being found guilty of a criminal offense. The motorist might have been operating the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving on an expired driver’s license, texting, talking on a cell phone or some other action that could have been avoided.
Hit-and-run drivers
In addition to lacking good judgment, many hit-and-run drivers will minimize the severity of the problem to rationalize their choice to leave the scene, even if they are unsure if someone was injured, harmed or killed by their actions. In some scenarios, the hit-and-run motorist in Rhode Island will think about the victim and his or her injuries in the days, weeks and months following the accident. However, their own internal conflicts usually win out over the victim’s pain, suffering or demise from the fear that they will be arrested and charged with a crime.
Under the influence of drugs or intoxicated by alcohol
Impaired thinking can also be a deciding factor on whether the individual stays at the scene or leaves. If the hit and run driver in RI is under the influence of drugs or intoxicated by alcohol, rational thinking can become extremely challenging. The motivation to escape is usually driven by fear, making quick flight from the scene of the accident a probable likelihood. Many individuals have a strong motivation to avoid immediate legal ramifications by using a parameter of “consequences versus values” to make a quick decision to flee.
Hit and Run Personality Types
there are specific personality types that best describe hit-and-run drivers who have fled from a serious car accident. These include:
• The Risk Taker – This personality type tends to be energetic and self-confident and usually feels in full control of their fate. They may drink excessively, drive fast and recklessly and make quick decisions. These individuals would rather experience the risk of fleeing the scene of the accident instead of facing the consequences involved in staying.
• The Impulse Reactor – Adrenaline, fear and the instinct of “fight or flight” play crucial roles in making decisions before thinking. In many cases, these types of individuals will return to the accident scene to face their consequences once the impulse has subsided.
• The Wrongdoer – These types of individuals are usually doing something wrong when the motorcycle accident happens. This could be driving without insurance, operating the vehicle under the influence or riding with individuals they should not be with. In some cases, these individuals have a leadership position such as a law enforcement officer who knows they will get in trouble.
• The Responsibility Avoider – These types of individuals usually believe that the accident was not their fault and are unable to be unfairly punished.
Uninsured motorist accident claim
In most cases, hit and run drivers in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations have poor morals and lack empathy for the victim. However, there are often various aspects involved in making the bad decision to flee. If a person is injured as a result of a hit and run motorist, he or she may be eligible to file an uninsured motorist accident claim.