This legal article was authored by a Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyer. Even though some pedestrian accident in Rhode Island are caused by the action of the pedestrian, in most cases the accident was actually the result of negligence by someone else. In many incidents, negligence or reckless actions can be attributed to a motorist or an entity like a maintenance company or construction company that is in charge of ensuring the street remains safe for pedestrians.
Pedestrian accident in RI
Many RI accidents often involve unsuspecting individuals who are seriously injured through no fault or action of their own. The most common types of pedestrian accidents involve:
- Driving Distracted – Diverting attention away from the roadway and surrounding area can cause a catastrophic pedestrian accident when individuals are crossing the road at designated crosswalks. Many car and truck motorists are distracted by their gps cell phone or electronic device.
- Failing to Follow the Rules of the Road – Drivers failing to come to a complete stop at a red light or stop sign is a major cause of many pedestrian accidents.
- Failing to Yield – Many pedestrian accidents occur because the automobile / auto motorist failed to yield to an individual legally crossing the road at crosswalks and other designated areas.
- Speeding – Traveling at too fast a speed for the conditions and design of the roadway can lead to a serious pedestrian accident because the motorist might not ever see the individual crossing the street, walking parallel with the road or standing in a safe area as an innocent bystander.
- Driving Recklessly– Speeding through residential areas and in parking lots place the lives of innocent victims in grave danger.
- Disobeying school zones – During school hours, motorists are required to obey school zone signs to allow young pedestrians to cross the road without assistance.
- Texting While Driving – Reading, sending or receiving a text message while driving , all constituting distracted driving, can be major distractions that cause many pedestrian accidents every year.
- Making Illegal U-Turns – Many intersections are specifically marked with signage indicating no U-turns allowed. When the motorist makes an illegal U-turn, the vehicle can easily hit an unsuspecting pedestrian in the crosswalk.
- Driving while under the Influence – Operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol causes a high majority of pedestrian accidents where the motorist was too impaired to notice a pedestrian.
- Failing to Check for Pedestrians – Many drivers are in a hurry and simply fail to check for any pedestrian entering or moving in a crosswalk.
- Weaving in and Out of Lanes – The motorist can easily lose control of their vehicle when weaving in and out of traffic lanes, hitting a pedestrian who is legally in the roadway.
- Driver Inexperience – Many young drivers lack sufficient training and experience which can easily place the lives of pedestrians and bicyclists in harm’s way.
A Deadly Problem- Pedestrian Fatalities
Sadly, young children between five and nine years old have the highest potential risk of being struck by a vehicle. According to statistics by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2012, more than 5000 pedestrians lost their lives in automobile-associated accidents. In addition, more than 75,000 individuals suffered serious injuries after being struck by motor vehicles that same year. The majority of these accidents happened when the pedestrian was crossing the highway or crosswalk in poorly lit areas.
Sadly, vehicle / pedestrian accident cases are all too commonplace and victims will often hire Rhode island personal injury attorneys or RI pedestrian accident lawyers to build a case for compensation based on driver negligence. To establish negligence in a successful Providence pedestrian accident injury case, the RI pedestrian accident lawyer must prove how the driver failed to provide a reasonable standard of care to the victim that led to the injuries or death.
If you, or your loved one, have suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident in Rhode Island, you are likely entitled to receive full financial recovery from the person at fault for your accident. However, time is of the essence because all claims must be filed before the expiration of the state’s statute of limitations. These types of cases are typically handled on contingency by Rhode Island pedestrian accident attorneys where attorney fees are only paid from a successful jury trial or a negotiated out-of-court settlement.
Retain the best Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyer
In the event of a RI fatal pedestrian- motor vehicle/ car crash, it is crucial that the family retains a top Rhode Island wrongful death lawyer with experience litigating fatal pedestrian accidents. A Rhode Island car accident attorney who primarily handles rear end RI auto accident claims and has no experience litigating fatal pedestrian car wrecks will be in over his head, early on. If a loved one, spouse, or family member was killed in a crash you need to get the best RI personal injury lawyer who has handled collisions involving fatalities.
“In 2013, 4,735 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States.1This averages to one crash-related pedestrian death every 2 hours.1 Additionally, more than 150,000 pedestrians were treated in emergency departments for non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2013.2 Pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to be killed in a car crash on each trip.3″ Pedestrian Safety CDC
The CDC reports :”Alcohol involvement for the driver or the pedestrian was reported for 49% of the traffic crashes that resulted in pedestrian death. Where alcohol involvement was reported, 34% of fatal crashes involved a pedestrian killed who had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of greater than or equal to .08 grams per deciliter (g/dL) and 15% involved a driver with a BAC of greater than or equal to .08 g/dL.1 Additional Risk Factors Additionally, higher vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck by a car and the severity of injury.4Most pedestrian deaths occur in urban areas, non-intersection locations, and at night.1” Id.
Pedestrian accident statistics in RI
“A total of 131 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Rhode Island from 2003 through 2013, as illustrated in Figure 4.15, and total fatalities involving pedestrians have fluctuated greatly during this time. As shown in Figure 4.16, Rhode Island far exceeds the national percentage for pedestrian fatalities. The majority of pedestrian fatalities are white males between the ages of 45 to 54. However, the majority of the pedestrian fatalities are 75 years old and over, when looking only at age groups; and white people are 77% of the pedestrian fatalities between 2003 and 2013.” Id.
“The top communities for pedestrian fatalities from 2003 to 2012 are Providence, Cranston, and Warwick. However, in 2012, three of the top five cities did not have any pedestrian fatalities.” Id.
Some pedestrian accidents in Rhode Island are caused by the carelessness of pedestrians, in most cases the tragic pedestrian incident resulted from the negligence or careless conduct of the motorist. In many pedestrian accident in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, negligent driving by the motorist can be established through eyewitness testimony or via accident reconstruction. Also, in some fatal pedestrian accident causes of action, a maintenance company or construction company that is in charge of ensuring the street remains safe for pedestrians can be found liable for the death. RI personal injury attorneys and Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyers often need to litigate to hold the tortfeasor and their penny pinching indemnity corporation accountable for the injuries of the innocent injured pedestrian.
A Deadly Problem
Sadly, young children between five and nine years old have the highest potential risk of being struck by a vehicle. According to statistics by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2012, more than 5000 pedestrians lost their lives in automobile-associated accidents. In addition, more than 75,000 individuals suffered serious injuries after being struck by motor vehicles that same year. The majority of these accidents happened when the pedestrian was crossing the highway or crosswalk in poorly lit areas.
If you, or your loved one, have suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident, you are likely entitled to receive full financial recovery from the person at fault for your accident. However, time is of the essence because all claims must be filed before the expiration of the state’s statute of limitations. These types of cases are typically handled on contingency where attorney fees are only paid from a successful jury trial or a negotiated out-of-court settlement.
Vehicle and pedestrian accident
Sadly, vehicle/pedestrian accident cases are all too commonplace and victims will often hire RI personal injury attorneys or a Rhode Island Pedestrian accident lawyer to build a case for compensation based on driver negligence. To establish negligence in a successful pedestrian accident injury case, the lawyer must prove how the driver failed to provide a reasonable standard of care to the victim that led to the injuries or death.
This pedestrian accident post by a Rhode Island pedestrian accident attorney was authored by David slepkow. City and civic transportation modes of transportation are described as either being motorized, or non-motorized. Motorized transportation consists of cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, and the like. Non motorized transportation means are either bicycle use or pedestrian traffic. It is an unfortunate fact that Rhode Island leads the nation in averages for pedestrian fatalities. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in RI, contact a Providence pedestrian accident lawyer at a top RI injury law firm.
Pedestrian Fatalities in RI
During the ten year period from 2003 to 2013, pedestrian fatalities accounted for 16 percent of the deaths from motorized and non-motorized accidents. During the 2004-2014 decade, pedestrian deaths were seemingly highest among white males. These statistics are being used to create educational materials that will help to reduce pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries.
Providence pedestrian accident attorney
A partnership has been formed between OHS and The Rhode Island Safe Kids Coalition, the Rhode Island Department of Health, and state and local law enforcement agencies, to name a few. These groups hope to reach children and their families with summer camps and local schools and other agencies. The hope is to have the children and their families attend sponsored programs and to increase public awareness of others that share the road with us. The above-mentioned groups, along with the RIDOT, hope to increase transportation safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and incorporate and promote new transportation policies.
Auto accident in RI
There is also a desire to increase the public awareness of the wide range of road users. Automobiles are not the only ones trying to get from point A to point B. The new COZ project is working to bring about cooperation between local families, social services, health care and public safety organizations. It is important to implement community education and increase public awareness. The project is conducting clinics and individual seat checks, as well as fitting and distributing helmets for bicyclists.
Another RIDOT project

Another RIDOT project is hoping to enforce automobile speed limit laws, as well as those laws that pertain to pedestrians/bicyclists. Grants will fund approximately 10 law enforcement agencies in their patrols that are aimed toward enforcement and education for drivers and residents. Although patrols will continue throughout the year, the main focus will be during summer months and predominantly in the downtown areas. The agencies will also focus on specific areas during the hours of morning and evening commutes.
RIDOT is hoping to increase visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists and to enforce all speed limits. They will also set out speed-activated displays showing a driver’s speed limit, as one method to collect data from speed-related incidents. Law enforcement agencies will also strictly enforce speed limit laws, no exceptions. The goal is to drastically diminish the number of pedestrian fatalities. Hopefully, the group partnerships with RIDOT can help promote transportation safety, and safe behavior.
Pedestrian accidents in Rhode Island, stats
“A total of 133 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Rhode Island from 2004 through 2014, as illustrated in Figure 4.19, and total fatalities involving pedestrians have fluctuated greatly during this time. As shown in Figure 4.20, Rhode Island far exceeds the national percentage for pedestrian fatalities. The majority of pedestrian fatalities are white males between the ages of 45 to 54. However, the largest group of pedestrian fatalities are 75 years old and over, when looking only at age groups, and white people are 77 percent of the pedestrian fatalities between 2003 and 2013. The top communities for pedestrian fatalities from 2003 to 2012 are Providence, Cranston, and Warwick. However, in 2012, three of the top five cities did not have any pedestrian fatalities. State of Rhode Island Highway Safety Plan Federal Fiscal Year 2016 4-56 Office on Highway Safety The total number of crashes and number of serious injuries sustained involving bicyclists decreased between 2006 and 2009, as shown in Figure 4.21. However, between 2009 and 2011, the serious injuries increased from 11 to 33. They have since declined and were at 18 in 2013. In 2009, 2011, and 2014 Rhode Island had zero bicycle fatalities, in 2012, two bicycle fatalities were reported, and in 2013, there were three. As shown in Figure 4.22, Rhode Island was above the national average for bicyclist fatalities in 2010, 2012, and 2013. The majority of bicycle fatalities are white males between the ages of 65 to 74. The top communities for bicycle fatalities from are Providence and Charlestown.” State of Rhode Island Highway Safety Plan Federal Fiscal Year 2016 developed and presented by Rhode Island Department of Transportation Office On Highway Safety Two Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02903 date July 1, 2015
Providence pedestrian accident attorneys
If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, it is crucial that you retain a top Rhode Island pedestrian accident attorney. A Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyer who is also a RI car accident lawyer and Providence personal injury lawyer will fight the insurance company to get you the compensation that you deserve.
In the event that a pedestrian is killed in a fatal pedestrian – vehicle crash than a Rhode Island wrongful death lawyer will be needed to pursue the deadly wreck litigation. Under RI law only the executor of an estate can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against those liable for a fatal pedestrian accident in RI.
Car accidents happen every single day. Still, it isn’t until you stat seeing the numbers that you realize just how prominent collisions involving other vehicles and pedestrians are in the U.S. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) releases data each year on automotive accidents, pedestrian accidents, vehicle safety, and much more. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Rhode Island or a loved one was killed in a fatal pedestrian motor vehicle crash then contact a Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyer who is also a RI personal injury attorney. A RI pedestrian accident lawyer will help you get the compensation you deserve.
Most recently, the administration released data revealing that traffic-related deaths in 2015 rose by 7.7 percent. An estimated 35,200 people died in a traffic incident in 2015. Furthermore, nine out of 10 regions in the U.S. reported an increase in traffic deaths last year. The largest increase came from pedestrian and cyclist deaths. Here are some eye-opening statistics from that recent report:
- The northwestern region of the U.S., including Washington and Montana, saw a 20% increase in traffic deaths.
- The 2nd highest regional increase was in the Southeast, including Florida and Georgia, which saw a 15% increase.
- The smallest increase was the South central states, like Texas and New Mexico. These five states had a negative one percent increase!
- The number of driver fatalities increased by six percent.
- Pedestrian deaths increase by 10 percent.
- Pedalcyslist deaths rose by a whopping 13 percent.
- The largest increase in the type of car crash came from those involving young drivers, which rose by 10% in 2015.
- The number of pedestrian accidents decreased between 2013 and 2014. However, the percentage of traffic fatalities involving pedestrians has increased continually since 2005.
- The majority of pedestrian accidents occur in urban areas at non-intersections, typically between midnight and 3 a.m.
- The average pedestrian fatally injured in a wreck is between 32 and 37 years old.
- In 2013, more than 5.65 million non-fatal crashes were reported in the U.S.
- All age groups under 55, in 2013, saw decreases in fatalities.
Causes of car hitting pedestrian
The most common causes for car accidents include speeding, texting and driving and distracted driving. The use of cellphones, vehicle infotainment systems and other vehicle technology means that drivers are more distracted than ever before. Unfortunately, traffic fatalities are also not decreasing despite the introduction vehicle technology, such as blind spot collision warnings and automatic braking.
A RI pedestrian accident lawyer
A RI pedestrian accident lawyer knows how to battle the insurance company to get you the settlement you deserve as a result of your Providence car- pedestrian accident. In the event of a fatal motor vehicle / auto incident in which a car runs over a pedestrian then you should get a Rhode Island personal injury attorney who is also a RI wrongful death lawyer as well as having experience litigation Rhode Island pedestrian accidents. If you are seeking an Ozempic lawsuit law firm, hair relaxer cancer lawsuit , mesothelioma lawsuit attorney, AFFF foam lawsuit lawyer or an elmiron lawsuit lawyer, contact us.
Rhode Island Supreme Court Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility:
The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any RI pedestrian accident lawyer or other lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principle responsibility.