Mesothelioma Lawsuit Compensation Asbestos Class Action | Lung Cancer

An asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit can lead to a multi-million dollar jury verdict or a lucrative settlement from an asbestos trust fund. This post explores how to get an asbestos settlement from a mesothelioma trust fund via a mesothelioma lawsuit. We detest asbestos class action suits! We will never file a mesothelioma class action lawsuit. A mesothelioma […]

Running Red Light Accident in Rhode Island

According to the National Coalition for Safer Roads, 2014 saw over 3,700,000 drivers running a red light in the United States. These red light violations most often occurred during peak summer travel months. Friday afternoon between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. were known for the highest rate of red light violations. Motorist driving carelessly and […]

Improperly Salted Walkways | Ice and Snow Accidents

Property owners, business tenants and other individuals legally responsible to maintain property  in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are required by law to ensure that walkways, stairs and sideways are free of accumulated ice and snow. This is because pedestrians have a heightened potential risk of suffering serious injuries […]

The Statute of Limitation | When Can a Lawsuit Deadline be Extended

A statute of limitation gives injured residents a certain window within which they must file a personal injury lawsuit.  If a lawsuit is not commenced within these time frames, then generally the injured person (the would-be plaintiff in a personal injury case) is prohibited from thereafter attempting to file a lawsuit to obtain compensation. For […]

Bristol, Barrington & Warren Motor Vehicle Crash Lawyer

Car accidents are a growing problem across the U.S. today. Foul weather, texting while driving and aggressive driving behaviors are some primary causes of accidents on the roads, according to the United States Department of Transportation. The following is an overview of what you should do immediately to protect your interests if you are involved […]

Are Injury Awards Marital Property in a RI Divorce?

In 1990, the Rhode Island Supreme Court in Kirk v Kirk decided that awards for pain and suffering in a Rhode Island divorce were not marital property subject to equitable division. The RI Supreme Court determined that awards for pain and suffering, future lost wages, future loss of earning capacity and future medical expenses are […]

Rhode Island Lane Violation Accident | Slepkow Law

According to research by the Society of Automotive Engineers, one in four drivers fails to signal lane changes or to switch off a turn light every day. Response Insurance reported that 17 percent don’t use a turn signal because they might forget to turn it off and 12 percent stated that they change lanes so often they can’t be bothered. Survey […]

Judges Do Not Disclose to Jury Whether Defendant has Insurance

The Issue of whether Defendant’s procurement or lack of procurement of liability Insurance should be disclosed to the Jury is a very thorny issue in a Rhode Island personal injury trial. A wrongful disclosure of Liability Insurance to the jury in a Rhode Island car accident trial could cause upheaval at the trial. Such a […]

Accident Liability of Rescue Squads, Police and Fire Departments

When emergency vehicles including police cars and fire engines respond to a call, they often travel at a high rate of speed with their lights and sirens blazing. However, traveling fast tends to increase the potential risk of being involved in an accident with other vehicles and objects on the roadway. The rush to arrive […]

Sideswipe Accidents in Rhode Island | Slepkow Law (Tradition since 1932)

Sideswipe car accidents are very common on the roadways and often result in significant personal injuries. The problem with injuries incurred in a sideswipe accident is the that vehicles often have very little impact protection on the sides, as most cars are designed for front and back impact protection. In addition, smaller vehicles are especially […]

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