Ozempic lawsuit litigants who filed individually asserting a claim for stomach paralysis are paving the way for an onslaught of weight loss drug lawsuits including Wegovy, Zepbound and Mounjaro lawsuits that are now part of a Federal Court consolidated MDL in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. There is no ozempic class action lawsuit. The official name of the litigation is: “In Re Glucagonlike Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 3094” Readers can find the August 2024 latest updates concerning the weight loss drug lawsuits. Ozempic and Mounjaro manufacturers have been sued over claims of “stomach paralysis” side effects. Many Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy and Zepbound victims, suffering through stomach paralysis, bowel obstruction, vision loss, gallbladder disease (gallbladder removal) and Gallstones are looking for information about filing an Ozempic lawsuit seeking justice and accountability against the manufacturer, Novo Nordisk. The popularity of diabetes drug Ozempic® and its counterpart Wegovy both manufactured by Novo Nordisk has soared due to the perceived effectiveness of the drugs as appetite suppressants. Both drugs are made up of the drug, Semaglutide. While Ozempic has gained acclaim as an off-label weight loss aid, prolonged use could expose individuals to health risks and Ozempic side effects, including ozempic stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, gallbladder disease (gallstones) and intestinal blockages (bowel obstruction). Additionally, the introduction of Wegovy®, an FDA-approved higher-dose version of Ozempic, intended to treat obesity, raises concerns about potential adverse effects. Victims are increasingly claiming that Ozempic jabs lead to gastroparesis.

This Ozempic lawsuit update was updated by an attorney on March 25, 2025 to provide the most current information about Ozempic class action lawsuit and Semaglutide stomach paralysis.
Weight Loss drug lawsuit CRITERIA AS OF 03/25/24:
Many victims are asking:
- Who is eligible for the Ozempic lawsuit?
- Who qualifies for the Wegovy lawsuit?
- Do I Meet The Ozempic Lawsuit Criteria?
Below you will find a list of the Ozempic / Mounjaro lawsuit criteria which has been recently updated:
Took a GLP-1 Drug (name brand drug / not compound version)
- Mounjaro,
- Ozempic,
- Rybelsus,
- Saxenda,
- Trulicity,
- Wegovy,
- Zepbound
(Not a compound version)
( The victim Must have taken the drug manufactured by Novo Nordisk or Elli Lilly) )
( We Need the date the drug was initially prescribed)
Must have one of the following diagnosis that required medical treatment or hospitilization:
- pulmonary aspiration
- bowel obstruction, with or without surgical treatment
- Pancreatic cancer (No prior history of cancer)
- Esophageal injury requiring surgery
- Gallbladder removal (Prior to 03/2022) (Must have taken GLP-1 drug prior to the Gallbladder removal)
- Severe or permanent stomach paralysis, ozempic stomach paralysis
- Gastroparesis – diagnosed and treated (Does not need gastric emptying study)
- Persistent vomiting which requires hospitalization and/or seen in the emergency room (ER) for IV fluids
- Gastrointestinal GI injury requiring surgery
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and related injuries, including death. (Only well-controlled diabetics)
- non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION)
- Eye Injuries such as Vision Changes, Sudden blindness, Optic nerve stroke, Retinal stroke, Visual acuity loss, Color blindness, lschemia to optic nerve
- Severe and ongoing symptoms of Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation or other gastrointestinal issues that are treated with ER visits, hospitalizations, multiple physician visits.
No weight loss/bariatric surgeries,
no radiation of the abdominal area within 12 months prior to onset of symptoms.
Ozempic lawsuit update March 2025:
September 2, 2024-
The Judge has approved the manufacturers demand for quick discovery as well as motions related to pivotal issues:
- Whether diagnostic testing for gastroparesis is reliable,
- Are the written warnings (labels) sufficiently adequate?
August 23, 2024- Ozempic leads to suicidal thoughts?
In a recent study in a respected journal of medicine, JAMA Network Open, researchers working for the the University of Zurich and the Zucker School of Medicine determined that ozempic users disproportionately suffer from suicidal ideations while prescibed Ozempic.
August 8, 2024 – Status Conference in MDL Ozempic class action
On August 8, 2024. There was a status conference between the leadership of the MDL and the presiding Justice. Case management order #17 was the end result of the conference. Case management order #17 was titled “ESTABLISHING TIME AND EXPENSE PROTOCOL AND COMMON BENEFIT FUNDS.” The order states in pertinent part “This Order is entered to provide for the fair and equitable sharing among plaintiffs and their counsel of the burden of services performed and expenses incurred by attorneys acting for the common benefit of all plaintiffs in this complex litigation.”
August 6, 2024 – MDL Class Action Lawsuit
In July and August of 2024, the number of Ozempic lawsuits in the Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1 RAs) Products Liability Litigation – which is commonly known as the Ozempic class action (among lay people) had a major increase in filed GLP-1 claims. As of July 2024, the litigation (MDL 3094) had a bit over 11o lawsuits. In August of 2024, the number of Ozempic, Wegovy and other GLP-1 lawsuits increased to approximately 345. That constitutes more than 200% increase in around 30 days!
July 6, 2024: Ozempic MDL growing slowly- Only four additional lawsuits were filed into the MDL in June of 2024. As of the end of June 2024, there are only 105 lawsuits in this MDL. The Ozempic MDL also includes Wegovy, Mounjaro, Rybelsus and Zepbound.
July 31st, 2024- Honorable Lawrence F. Stengel (Retired) appointed as Special Discovery Master to oversee discovery
“Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 53(a)(1)(C), the Court hereby appoints the Honorable Lawrence F. Stengel (Retired) as Special Discovery Master to oversee discovery between and among the parties and third parties. The Court has considered the Affidavit of Lawrence F. Stengel, supplied pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 53(b)(3), a copy of which is attached to this Order, and is confident that he possesses the requisite skills, experience, and other attributes necessary to serve in the capacity as Special Discovery Master in this MDL.” CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. 16- SPECIAL MASTER APPOINTMENT AND PROTOCOL
July 5, 2024- Ozempic linked to rare vision loss– Recent preliminary reasearch indicates a connection between semaglutide to a rare eye problem, nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. This eye condition can lead to blindness. This study was recently published in JAMA OphthalmologyTrusted Source. The study sets forth a possible link from diabetes to semaglutide to nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. The study determined that victims with diabetes who took semaglutide had a four times greater chance to get diagnosed with NAION ( nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy) as compared to patients with a diabetes diagnosis prescribed different medications.
June 15, 2024- Zepbound cures sleap apnea? Elli Lilly announced findings from two studies that tracked obese patients who suffer from moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Study participants were prescribed with Tirzepatide (a.k.a Zepbound) for one year via injection. (70 percent of study participants were male and 30 percent female) One of the studies evaluated patients who were utilizing a sleep apnea machine known as positive airway pressure device. The 2nd study evaluated patients who did not utilize the medical device. All patients in both studies were prescribed tirzepatide. Patients in the studies who imbibed tirzepatide had major reductions in sleep events. Those patients also lost weight, approximately 20% of their body weight. Eli Lilly’s drug is tirzepatide, but is marketed to the public in the United States as Zepbound. The studies indicate that Zepbound lowers in obese people, the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In Lilly’s clinical trials for Zepbound, patients were observed with lowered irregular breathing events by over 50 percent in one research paper and nearly 62% in a different study. Zepbound, also lowered disordered sleep breathing, disturbances while sleeping as well as sleep-related impairment.
June 10, 2024: New Ozempic judge in MDL- U.S. District Judge Karen Marston will now be the judge in charge of the Ozempic class action MDL lawsuits. (This includes other similar drugs) Marston was previously a tough federal prosecutor whose career as a justice commenced in 2019. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation choose her to preside over the complex Ozempic litigation. Many lawyers estimate that there will be over 10,000 lawsuits filed into the MDL. Sadly, U.S. District Judge, Gene E.K. Pratter, died unexpectant in May 2024 as a result of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Attorneys have been preparing cases. The lawyers have been working on a Plaintiff’s fact sheet.
June 8, 2024: Only 12 new lawsuits were filed into the Ozempic class action MDL during May of 2024. This was only 2 more than were filed in April 2024. There are a bit over 100 pending lawsuits in the weight loss medication MDL. The MDL is growing very slowly and at a snails pace. Many product liability lawyers and industry experts expected many more lawsuits at this point in time.
Update- May 13, 2024: Only 14 new lawsuits were filed into the Ozempic MDL during April 2024. As of May 1st, 2024 there are only approximately 85 plus Ozempic lawsuits pending in the mdl. As a result of the increasing amount of patients being prescribed Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy and other similar drugs used for weight loss, there could be a ton of additional lawsuits filed into the MDL in the near future.
April 5, 2024- A Texas resident claims she suffered gallbladder removal as well as other disturbing gastrointestinal complications after taking Ozempic. Miquana Renteria filed a complaint (PDF) in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania asserting that Novo Nordisk did not properly warn of the severe side effects of the medication.
March 13th, 2024- A victim filed an Ozempic lawsuit against Novo Nordisk alleging that Novo Nodisk knew its popular drug leads to stomach and gastrointestinal problems such as gastroparesis. Caren Elosua is the victim who filed the Ozempic lawsuit against Novo Nordisk alleging that Ozempic lead to gastroparesis. In Ms. Elosua’s lawsuit, she asserts that the manufacturer was aware that Ozempic lead to severe stomach complications yet Novo Nodisk refused to stop manufacturing it.
March 1st, 2024- 58 Ozempic lawsuits have been filed, in The Ozempic MDL 3094, by victims alleging Ozempic caused: gastroparesis, ileus as well as intestinal blockage or obstruction. The MDL is being litigated in front of Judge Gene E.K. Pratter in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
February 18, 2024- New weight loss drug lawsuit class action / MDL- In February of 2024, The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation decreed that all pending Ozempic lawsuits in the Federal Court system shall be centralized in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The Eastern District of Pennsylavania has 13 Ozempic lawsuits (of the total of 55 known Ozempic lawsuits) The presiding Justice of the MDL is U.S. District Judge Gene E. K. Pratter. Elli Lilly’s popular weight loss drugs, Mounjaro and Zepbound, will be part of the MDL in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
The Ozempic attorneys believe there will be thousands of lawsuits in 2024. The essence of the claims will be an assertion that drug manufacturers did not properly warn users concerning the risk of gastroparesis. Gastroparesis can lead to stomach paralysis. Even though, the prescription labeling mentions gastrointestinal complications, the warnings gloss over the issue. The label markedly underplays the seriousness and dangers of stomach complications from Ozempic use.
February 14, 2024: Victims have commenced filing Ozempic lawsuits in New Jersey state court in addition to the MDL in Federal Court. In a new New Jersey State Court lawsuit filed in Essex County NJ, KarethaTinsley v. Novo Nordisk et al, the victim asserts that she is entitled to relief pursuant to the New Jersey Products Liability Act. Her cause of action claims that as a result of her Ozempic usage, she endured a gallbladder injury, leading to the removal via surgery of her gallbladder.
February 9, 2024- Novo Nordisk reached a settlement of two lawsuits Novo filed against 2 compounding businesses. Novo alleged that these businesses offered a compounded version of Ozempic / Wegovy. Novo Nordisk has pursued 12 lawsuits against clinics, med spas as well as compounding pharmacies located in the United States that assert to provide Semaglutide. Semaglutide is the same ingredient that Ozempic and Wegovy are made of. Novo Nordisk is the holder of the only patent for semaglutide. Novo has refused to provide Semaglutide to third parties. Many experts in the industry are confounded about what is really being sold to purchasers.
January 10, 2024: We are offering updates about Mounjaro and Ozempic MDL class action lawsuits. Novo Nordisk (Ozempic) wants the lawsuits in Federal Court to be consolidated. Novo Nordisk asserts that there are common fact, law and scientific issues which bind all the Ozempic lawsuits in Federal Courts. There are currently about 42 lawsuits being litigated in 17 different federal courts across the U.S. Ozempic is advocating for the Western District of Louisiana or the Southern District of California for the MDL consolidated lawsuit.
Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Monunjaro, does not want to be part of any proposed consolidated mdl class action. Eli lilly asserts that the vast majority of the lawsuits concern Ozempic. Lilly claims they only have 10 lawsuit in Federal court concerning Lilly’s weight loss drugs. While they oppose a consolidated lawsuit, they state that if there is such a lawsuit, it should be handled in the Southern District of Indiana or the Middle District of North Carolina.
January 5th, 2024- Novo Nordisk filed a lawsuit against two pharmacies known for compounding Semiglutide alleging that these pharmacies were providing possibly unsafe and impure versions of Semaglutide , the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy. These lawsuits are occurring while Novo Nordisk struggles with weight loss drug shortages of its popular drugs, Ozempic and Wegovy. The demand for Ozempic and Wegovy far outpaces the supply of these drugs. Demand for these weight loss drugs is skyrocketing into the stratosphere. The drug shortage has left patients desperate to find the drugs and looking for alternatives. These illegal alternatives can lead to death or other serious complications because they are unproven and dangerous. Compounding pharmacies are known for making custom type alternatives of prescriptions to accommodate specific needs of patients. Novo Nordisk is the ONLY entity holding a patent for Semaglutide. Novo Nordisk will not assign, transfer or sell Semaglutide to anyone else. This causes concerns about the legality of compounding pharmacies making semaglutide or similar type drugs.
Dec 8, 2023- A federal justice in Louisiana quashed Novo Nordisk’s request to dismiss one of the first lawsuits filed against Novo Nordisk concerning complications of Ozempic. Justice James Cain Jr determined that the victim, Jaclyn Bjorklund had alleged enough evidence for her lawsuit against Novo that Novo failed to warn her medical providers about the chance she would suffer from gastroparesis,
Frequently asked questions (FAQS)
Gastroparesis is a very a rare condition
Gastroparesis is a very a rare condition. Gastroparesis is infamous for causing nausea, bloating, and serious abdominal pain. Gastroparesis may also lead to vomiting, weight loss as well as malnutrition. Increasingly, there are reports of weight loss drug lawsuits against Novo Nordisk. All of the lawsuits are individual lawsuits that are now part of Multidistrict Litigation and none of the lawsuits are part of an Ozempic class action lawsuit. An Ozempic Class Action lawsuit would be detrimental to victims. Victims are searching online for, “stomach paralysis ozempic”, “semaglutide stomach paralysis” and “ozempic gallbladder disease.” Lawyers are increasingly filing lawsuits seeking compensation for victims who suffered through Ozempic Stomach paralysis, bowel injury and gallbladder disease.
Our Case criteria for a viable weight loss drug class action MDL lawsuit:
- Gastroparesis or stomach paralysis
- Victim was hospitalized for more than one day concerning gastrointestinal tract issues (GI problems)
- An Esophageal injury that necessitates a surgery
- Ileus or bowel obstruction (bowel blockage / intestinal obstruction)
- Updated- August 2024: NAION (nonarthritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy) or Sudden Vision Loss
- Death Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and related diagnosis and injuries, including fatality (death)
- Pulmonary aspiration
- Gallbladder injury necessitating surgery (Only for victims who commenced weight loss drugs prior to 2022)
What is pulmonary aspiration?
“Pulmonary aspiration is the passive process of oropharyngeal or gastric contents entering the trachea. During sedation, the pharyngeal function is impaired, and the peak pressure in the upper esophageal sphincter is decreased. This will cause a force reduction to propel content during swallowing and may lead to content penetrating the trachea.” Sciencedirect
Victims who endured gastroparesis after being prescribed Ozempic
Victims who endured gastroparesis after being prescribed Ozempic may be eligible to obtain compensation as a result of their suffering by pursuing an Ozempic lawsuit. Currently there are pending lawsuits pertaining to Ozempic, Wegovy & Mounjaro, et al. These claims (as of July 2024) constitute an MDL, commonly referred to as an Ozempic class action lawsuit. The Ozempic MDL class action lawsuit pertains to Ozempic, Rybelsus, Mounjaro, Wegovy, and Trulicity.
Stomach paralysis ozempic
Victims in Ozempic lawsuits have asserted that ozempic leads to a hazardous condition known as gastroparesis. You can find a case report establishing the linkage between ozempic and gastroparesis in the National Library of Medicine database. Gastroparesis (Ozempic stomach paralysis) is a condition which persists for a long time when the nerves as well as muscles located in the stomach wall weaken significantly. The weakening causes it to be harder for the stomach to move food into the small intestine. Gastroparesis can lead to intestinal blockages or potentially obstruction, and can cause nausea and diarrhea.
There is no available cure for gastroparesis. Stomach paralysis victims may be able to manage the condition medically and perhaps through surgical intervention. Victims who develop gastroparesis may suffer from medical interventions for the rest of their lives. At Slepkow Law, our Ozempic attorneys help victims get high compensation as a result of severe injuries from taking GLP-1 Receptor Agonists such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Rybelsus
What are the ozempic stomach paralysis symptoms:
Many victims are wondering, “How do you know if you have stomach paralysis from Ozempic?” and “What are the symptoms of Ozempic bowel obstruction?”
- A full sensation right after commencing a meal and for a long duration afterward
- vomiting.
- nausea
- Incessant bloating
- burping
- upper abdominal pain
- heartburn.
- lack of appetite
Weight loss drug lawsuit
Researchers compared Wegovy and Ozempic with competing weight-loss drugs, which are all GLP-1 agonists and determined that:
- Patients had a nine times greater likelihood of a pancreatitis diagnosis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas.
- Patients had a nine times greater likelihood of bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction occurs when there is a blockage which stops food from going through either the small or large intestine. The United States Food and Drug Administration revised the ozempic label to add a complication called ileus. Ileus is a bowel blockage, which patients have reported as a complication of Ozempic.
- Patients had a nine times greater likelihood of a gastroparesis diagnosis. Gastroparesis is otherwise known as stomach paralysis.
Ozempic bowel injury
These determinations were reached by researchers examining health insurance claims for more than 5,000 victims with an obesity diagnosis. These patients in the study did not have diabetes. All of the studied patients took GLP-1 agonists. The GLP-1 agonists taken by these patients specifically includes Semaglutide. Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Wegovy and Ozempic. Some of these patients were prescribed with an alternate weight-loss prescription such as bupropion-naltrexone. All patient prescriptions occurred between 2007 and 2020.
Is there an Ozempic class action lawsuit?
No. There is no Ozempic class action lawsuit. An Ozempic Class Action lawsuit would be very unfortunate for victims. On February 2nd, 2024 an Ozempic lawsuit commenced in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania federal court. This is a Multi District Litigation. The Ozempic MDL is known as MDL 3094 IN RE GLUCAGON-LIKE PEPTIDE- RECEPTOR AGONISTS (GLP-1RAS) PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION. An MDL is a collection of individual lawsuits with individual attorneys that are consolidated / centralized for motions, settlement and discovery etc.
Likelihood of severe complication from Ozempic:
- 9 times greater chance of pancreatitis diagnosis. Pancreatitis is an inflamed pancreas.
- Greater than four times likelihood of suffering through bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction is when a bowel blockage stops food from going through either of the intestines (small intestine of large intestine). In late 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration modified the ozempic label to add ileus. Ileus is a bowel blockage. Bowel blockage can be an adverse side effect.
- Greater than three times likelihood of a gastroparesis diagnosis. Gastroparesis is also is infamously known as stomach paralysis.
The basics:
- Ozempic and Wegovy both are comprised of the active component, semaglutide. This is similar to the hormone GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). GLP-1’s cause transfer of food to slow in the digestive system. This send a message that the stomach is full.
- Mounjaro and Zepbound, have a different active ingredient, tirzepatide. Tirzeptide also has a hunger surpressing effect.
- Wegovy and Zepbound are the only drugs greenlighted by the FDA for only weight loss. Moungaro (Eli Lilly) and Ozempic (Novo Nodisk) are only intended to be prescribed for treatment of type 2 diabetes. (Although, they are often prescribed off label for weight loss and Sleep Apnea)
What is Semaglutide?
Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Ozempic® and Wegovy®, both weight loss drugs. Recently, there have been numerous reports of worrisome side effects caused by Semaglutide. Many of these side effects were not part of any warnings on the drugs.
Unveiling Manufacturer Responsibilities
The manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, falls short in addressing certain grave side effects linked to Ozempic and Wegovy. Stomach paralysis (gastroparesis), intestinal blockages, and even pancreatic cancer, potential and fatal gastric complications, are notably absent from their warnings. Consequently, patients may remain unaware of the risks associated with these severe conditions, which might necessitate hospitalization and surgical intervention.
Investigating Claims- Not an ozempic class action lawsuit
Our team of medical drug attorneys is diligently investigating claims regarding these medications. If you have experienced health issues after using Ozempic, Wegovy, or other GLP-1 Receptor drugs for diabetes or weight loss, we urge you to reach out and explore your legal options.
Contact us: If you or a loved one has encountered pancreatic cancer, intestinal blockages, or stomach paralysis (gastroparesis) as a result of consuming Ozempic, Wegovy, or another GLP-1 Receptor drug, you could have grounds for a claim. Complete our form online or call TELEPHONE to connect with attorney David Slepkow for detailed information or to discuss a potential claim.
How much will the Ozempic settlement payout amount be per victim?
Our guestimate is that victims with severe injuries such as Gastroparesis caused by Ozempic will receive an Ozempic payout between $350,000 to over 1 million in the case of a death. Ozempic lawsuit settlements will vary based on the severity of the injury. Ozempic settlement payouts amounts can only be guessed because there have been no reported settlements.
Ozempic bowel obstruction
On September 28th, 2023 after greater than 11 victim complaints reporting intestinal blockages among ozempic users, the FDA stated that bowel obstruction, which is a life threatening condition, shall be set forth on ozempic’s label. According to the Cleveland clinic, “A bowel obstruction is a partial or complete blockage of your small intestine or large intestine (bowels). The most common causes of ozempic bowel injury include scar tissue forming after abdominal surgery, hernias and colon cancer. A bowel obstruction is a medical emergency that requires immediate care.” Ozempic intestinal blockage are a serious matter that require immediate emergency medical care.
Ozempic gallbladder lawsuit
Can Ozempic usage cause gallbladder disease? There have been Studies which indicate causation of Ozempic and a greater risk of gallbladder disease or gallstones. Currently, Elli Lilly warns users of gallbladder disease as a potential complication caused by Ozempic.
The Evolution of Ozempic and Its Off-Label Use
Initially designed and approved in 2017 for Type 2 diabetes treatment, Ozempic’s unintended side effect of appetite suppression and consequential weight loss was promptly observed by clinicians. Subsequently, Novo Nordisk introduced Wegovy, a higher-dose iteration of Ozempic, gaining FDA approval in June 2021 to address weight gain and obesity in specific patients. Both medications have surged in popularity, leading to nationwide shortages. In 2022, their combined sales reached nearly $10 billion, with prescriptions continuing to surge.
What is Ozempic?
Ozempic is another name, (branded) for the drug semaglutide, which is injectable. Semaglutide drops blood sugar levels and maintains insulin. Ozempic is a extremely useful for regulating type 2 diabetes. It has a track record for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 2017, greenlighted its use for patients over 18 who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Ozempic is a GLP-1, which slows stomach emptying, makes appetite smaller and leaves patients with a feeling of stomach fullness. Ozempic is known for leading to weight loss. Once word got out in medical circles about Ozempic leading to weight loss, some doctors commenced prescribing it to patients who do not have diabetes. This is known as “off label” use. The FDA has never approved Ozempic for weight loss. However, the FDA has approved, Wegovy for with loss. Wegovy is a very similar drug also manufactured by Novo Nodisk
Understanding the Active Ingredient
Semaglutide, the active ingredient in both Wegovy and Ozempic, falls under the category of GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1). This compound emulates the GLP-1 satiety hormone within our bodies, allowing the medication to target brain regions that regulate appetite and food intake. To mitigate gastrointestinal side effects, the FDA recommends a gradual weekly increase in dosage. However, patients are often required to remain on Wegovy long-term, potentially for life, as discontinuing the drug can lead to rapid weight regain. Unfortunately, prolonged usage amplifies the risk of encountering adverse effects.
Uncovering Potential Health Risks
In 2023, the FDA’s disclosure of concerns conveyed through the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) signals potential safety risks associated with these medications. Among these risks, the threat of intestinal blockage emerges as a significant concern, carrying both serious and life-threatening implications.
Ozempic side effects
There are numerous Ozempic side effects. Research studies have highlighted an elevated risk of intestinal obstructions in patients utilizing semaglutide drugs, encompassing Wegovy and Ozempic. The likelihood of suffering from intestinal obstructions – a condition that frequently necessitates surgical intervention – has been found to increase by 3.5 to 4.5 times in those consuming GLP-1 receptors. Presently, the FDA is in the process of evaluating the necessity for additional warnings due to the escalating reports of intestinal obstructions.
Serious side effects can include:
- Bowel obstruction (ileus)
- Severe stomach complications
- Diabetic retinopathy (eye tissue inflammation- could cause vision loss)
- Hypoglycemia
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Thyroid tumors
- Thyroid cancer
- Pancreatitis
- Pancreatic cancer
- Gallstones (cholelithiasis)
- Gallbladder disease
- Gallbladder removal
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Biliary diseases
- Suicide
- Gastroparesis (stomach paralysis)
Symptoms of intestinal blockage encompass:
- Abdominal cramps and swelling
- Difficulty with bowel movements or passing gas
- Vomiting
- Constipation
Does Ozempic cause Intestinal blockage?
Ozempic lawsuits allege that Ozempic leads to intestinal blockage.
Is Rybelsus different from Ozempic?
Rybelsus is a oral medication tablet taken on a daily basis. Rybelsus contains the same ingredients (semaglutide) as Ozempic which is injectable. Victims can file a Rybelsus lawsuit in the Federal MDL seeking a weight loss drug payout.
Wegovy lawsuit
Furthermore, medical professionals have recently reported cases of stomach paralysis, scientifically known as gastroparesis. This condition disrupts the proper functioning of the stomach’s nerves and muscles, leading to prolonged retention of food within the stomach. Gastroparesis is often accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Malnutrition
- Abdominal bloating
- Rapid satiety
- Upper abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
Our Expertise in Medical Drug Litigation
With vast experience in representing patients adversely affected by hazardous prescription and over-the-counter drugs, our legal team recognizes the limitations patients and their families may have in comprehending the complexities of their medications. If you suspect that a medication has caused harm or injury, our attorneys possess the resources and expertise to conduct thorough investigations and:
- Identify potentially harmful medications
- Determine whether a medication led to harm
- Evaluate the manufacturer’s adherence to FDA regulations
- Ascertain the adequacy of warnings regarding potential side effects
- Examine any wrongful or unlawful actions taken by the manufacturer concerning the medication
- Identify any additional factors that could impact your potential claim
Ozempic (semaglutide) is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes
Ozempic (semaglutide) is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. Like any medication, it can have side effects. It’s important to note that not everyone will experience these side effects, and some individuals may experience different side effects to varying degrees of severity. If you are prescribed Ozempic and are concerned about its side effects, it’s crucial to discuss them with your healthcare provider. Below are some common side effects associated with Ozempic:
- Gastrointestinal Issues:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Abdominal pain or discomfort
- Injection Site Reactions:
- Pain or redness at the injection site
- Itching or rash
- Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar):
- This can occur if Ozempic is used in combination with other medications that lower blood sugar, like insulin or sulfonylureas.
- Symptoms may include sweating, shakiness, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, confusion, and weakness.
- Allergic Reactions:
- Although rare, allergic reactions can occur. Signs of an allergic reaction may include hives, itching, swelling (especially of the face, lips, tongue, or throat), severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing.
- Pancreatitis:
- Some individuals may experience pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas. Symptoms may include severe abdominal pain, often radiating to the back, nausea, and vomiting.
- Gallbladder Problems:
- Ozempic may increase the risk of gallbladder problems, such as gallstones.
- Thyroid Tumors:
- In animal studies, Ozempic has been associated with an increased risk of thyroid tumors. However, this risk in humans is not well established.
Ozempic lawsuit
It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully when taking Ozempic and to report any side effects promptly. If you experience severe or persistent side effects, or if you have concerns about your medication, contact your healthcare provider. They can adjust your treatment plan or recommend alternative medications if necessary. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Ozempic is typically just one part of a comprehensive treatment plan for type 2 diabetes, which may also include dietary and lifestyle changes. Always discuss your diabetes management plan with your healthcare team to ensure it meets your specific needs and goals.
What are Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly’s response to the lawsuit over their weight loss drug OZEMPIC?
How much is my Ozempic Lawsuit worth?
There have been no reported Ozempic stomach paralysis settlements. Without any Wegovy or Ozempic jury verdicts, the range of compensation to be awarded to victims is unknown. Victims pursuing an Ozempic lawsuit most likely will receive receive compensation premised on how severe the injuries are. However, since no Ozempic claims have been resolved yet, it is impossible to determine the exact worth of the claims.
Stomach Paralysis Ozempic
For a deeper insight into our experience with medical drug litigation and weight loss drug lawsuits, refer to our comprehensive resources. It is crucial not to cease the usage of prescribed medications without prior consultation with a medical professional. Discontinuing medication without appropriate medical advice can result in severe harm. If you are interested in filing an Ozempic lawsuit or a Wegovy lawsuit as a result of Ozempic side effects such as Ozempic stomach paralysis and gallbladder disease or gallstones, contact us. What are gallstones? “Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder.” (Mayo Clinic) Please note that none of these individual lawsuits constitutes an ozempic class action lawsuit.
Will Ozempic use lead to permanent stomach paralysis (gastroparesis)?
Lawsuits assert that Ozempic causes Ozempic stomach paralysis and ozempic bowel injury. Thankfully, these lawsuits do not constitute a Class Action lawsuit. Semaglutide stomach paralysis is a very real fear for ozempic and wegovy users. Possibly, the stomach paralysis Ozempic could be permanent. If you are not looking to file an ozempic lawsuit but need to file another claim, we also represent clients in Bard Powerport lawsuit, hair relaxer lawsuits and mesothelioma lawsuits. Contact us if you seek to avoid an ozempic class action lawsuit and want to file an individual claim for compensation. An ozempic class action lawsuit will only benefit weight loss lawyers to the detriment of victims. Victims must file a lawsuit for compensation as a result of stomach paralysis ozempic, meaning an individual lawsuit for compensation.